The Best Love

Love is not interested in it's own way; but is preoccupied with the interests of others!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

With the new year comes a new dedication and adventuree through reading the Bible. I discovered a great devotional book that is going to take me through the bible in a way I have never gone before. This book not only has a reading plan, but it plans for study, response and prayer for each section you read. So far it has been amazing,  I look forward to doing it instead of feeling in bondage to the schedule.
Today I was reading about Noah, we all know the basics of this story, but my devotional asked me to put my self in the place of Noah's wife, how would I have felt being on the ark, how would I react the first time the dove came back empty "handed"? How in times of testing does my faith react?
That put a very interesting spin on the whole story.
I am a very impatient person, I want instant gratification and immediate results! So to think how I would have felt when that dove returned with nothing, is pretty easy to imagine. I would have been full of doubts, my hope would have faded,and I might even be a bit angry, because I would feel forsaken.
Just the other day I was having these feelings, shaking my fist at God kin of moment.
You see, I am married to a great man, but he is not saved. To make a long story short, I have been praying and waiting for this for approximatley five years now. Well, the other day I had lost all hope, got down right mad at God because the whole thing just seems impossible!
No sooner did I get those feelings out, and my apology came rolling right behind; because I know in my heart that with God ALL things are possible and so I began to pray for the gift of hope to be restored in my spirit.
So after this expierence and then meditating on my reading and reponse devotional, I felt a sense of new strength and deeper hope.
I was reminded of two scriptures in Hebrews. 10:23- Let us hold fast the confession of our
hope without wavering, for He who promised IS faithful!
11:1- Now faith is the substanceof things hoped for the evidence of things not seen.
To sum it up, I realize how important it is to keep my eyes on Him and not the circumstances, this makes it easier to keep hold of the hope of His promise, and I cant be distracted by what I see, because God will deliver!!!

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